Environmental Quality Act
Enviro Assessment, PC provides expertise in developing SEQA/NEPA/CEQA required documents for residential type projects. We are experienced in Southern and Northern California municipalities along with the Seattle Area, and Western States.
Enviro Assessment, PC has the broad range of expertise necessary to prepare Initial Studies, Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, and Environmental Impact Reports. Enviro Assessment, PC has also been involved with the public hearing process, public noticing process, and City and County filing process.
Enviro Assessment, PC employs engineers and geologists who can prepare Geologic Hazards Reports, Hydrologic Reports, Geotechnical Studies, Traffic Impact Studies, Air Impact Studies, and Noise Impact Studies in order to provide site specific information for items III (Air Quality), VI (Geology and Soils), IX (Hydrology and Water Quality), XII (Noise), and XVI (Transportation/Traffic) of the CEQA Environmental Checklist. Enviro Assessment, PC employs environmental professionals who can prepare preliminary assessments to address item VIII (Hazards and Hazardous Materials) of the Checklist.
Some of the cities we have provided studies for: City of Atwater, the City of Cupertino, the City of San Jose, the City of Orange, the County of San Bernardino. We have submitted Reports to Cities and Counties from Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area to Los Angeles.