Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)

A SPCC plan is designed to comply with current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SPCC plan rule requirements. Our site custom SPCC plan conforms to applicable EPA requirements outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Part 112, for facilities with aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons.

The topics covered in the SPCC include:

Plan Certification and Management Approval

The Environmental Director or other person responsible for implementing the SPCC plan at the facility signs the document verifying management approval, and the certifying engineer’s statement and seal are placed in this section of the document.

General Requirements

Prepare a site diagram detailing the facility layout, listing oil storage container descriptions, describing discharge prevention, control, and countermeasure equipment and procedures, and procedures related to disposal and spill response notification.

Inspections, Tests and Records

Prepare written procedures on performing regular inspections, guidelines on integrity testing and record keeping requirements.

Personnel, Training and Prevention

Describe training requirements, designate person for spill prevention and regular review briefings of personnel on SPCC requirements and procedures.


Describe required security measures implemented at the facility, including fencing of tanks and transfer equipment, securing flow valves, drain valves, pump controls and sealing loading and unloading connections when not in use, and lighting to detect nighttime spills.

Tank Loading/Unloading Area

Describe secondary containment required for tanker trucks in loading and unloading areas and measures taken to prevent spills from occurring during transfer.

Facility Drainage

Describe measures taken to prevent uncontrolled drainage of precipitation from secondary containment/dike areas, management of drain valves, control of drainage from undiked areas and final diversion systems (such as retention basins), if applicable.

Bulk Storage Containers

Describe details on all applicable oil storage containers 55-gallons and greater in size, including compatibility of the containers with products stored and construction design, secondary containment capable of containing the contents of the largest tank plus precipitation, rainwater drainage procedures, corrosion protection, visual plus additional integrity testing, overfill prevention, and corrective action procedures to promptly correct and remove leaks.

Transfer Operations

This section includes corrosion protection for buried piping, assuring terminal pipe connections are properly sealed and identified, proper design of pipe supports, regular inspections of piping and associated equipment, and protection of above ground pipes and transfer equipment from vehicle impact.

Enviro Assessment, PC will produce the required plan to the standards required weather it requires an engineering stamped and designed plan or a more entry-level owner signed plan.

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